LHENA Leadership Team
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors oversees the direction and maintenance of LHENA, its programs, and its funds. The Board is composed of 11 community members, either neighbors and representatives of local businesses, who take an interest in the well-being of the neighborhood. Ten of the seats are 2-year terms, one is 1-year. Each spring, six of the 11 seats are up for re-election. Director elections are held at the neighborhood annual meeting every May. As a renter or homeowner, you can both vote and run for this position.
Elise Moore, President - [email protected] Pete Boisclair, Vice President Anna Berglund, Treasurer - [email protected] [Vacant], Secretary - [email protected] Alexander Johnson Cate Bosserman Eva Ortiz Jackson Hampton Joshua Christianson Michael Byrd Martha Burket |
Committee Chairs & Liaisons
Over its 50 years, LHENA has seen every kind of committee, each formed by neighbors ready to lead on an issue they see as vital to the times in the neighborhood. Committees come and go, past ones including such subject areas as Ecology, Arts & Kids, Community Life & Safety, Social events, Renters, and Neighborhood History. Here are today's active committees and issue area Liaisons:
Environmental Committee Chair: Noah Cameron (email) LHENA Volunteer Network: Jackson Hampton (email) Food Share Program Coordinator: Joan Moser (email) Community Development Committee Chair: Alexander Kurt Johnson (email) Welfare & Safety Committee Chair: Open |