Press releases, updates, and history from neighbors in and around the Wedge
You're Invited: Meet Neighbors, Talk Fun, Brainstorm Ideas
The Community Life and Safety Committee is buzzing with ideas to get neighbors connected and outdoors. If you have fun ideas to add, or are interested in any of our agenda items, we welcome your participation. lso, if you're new to the neighborhood and looking for more info about LHENA and what it does, we are happy to welcome you and either plug you into our projects or direct you to where your passions may find the right fit. Community Life & Safety Committee meeting Thursday, May 24. 6:00-7:30pm LHENA Office, 2909 Hennepin Ave. S. (Next to Williams Pub, ring LikeMinds buzzer to get in.) Agenda: 1) Welcome Activity 2) Adopt committee norms 3) Review Annual Meeting Feedback 4) Open Streets Planning 5) Renters Socials and Liaison 6) Gnome Scavenger Hunt 7) New ideas a) Art in the Park b) Neighborhood Signs c) Family Picnic and Playdate d) Neighbor Meet Ups e) Conflict Resolution Center partnership Comments are closed.
September 2024