Press releases, updates, and history from neighbors in and around the Wedge
The LHENA board of directors will be meeting next Wednesday, December 21 at 5:30pm to conduct its monthly business. As always, these meetings are open to the public.
LHENA Board meeting Wednesday, December 21 5:30pm - 6:30pm Hybrid* *This will be a hybrid meeting with two ways to tune in: 1. In person Scout Workshop 2744 Lyndale Ave S bring a laptop or digital device 2. Virtual: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 7140 4666 Passcode: 131588 One tap mobile +13092053325,,88571404666#,,,,*131588# US +13126266799,,88571404666#,,,,*131588# US (Chicago) Meeting Agenda:
September 2024